Phyllis Henrietta Brown

First Name Phyllis Henrietta

Last Name Brown

Location Born Poughkeepsie, NY

Source int(26)

Died While Serving? no


  • b


  • "A Close-up of Some Overseas Workers," The New Near East magazine, Sept. 1923

Miss Brown’s destination was Alexandropol, Armenia, where she will have charge of agricultural training in the orphan city of 20,000 children. She is a graduate of Vassar and of the New York State School of Agriculture and Michigan Agricultural College, and has had affiliations with the Red Cross, National Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls and, during the war, the New York State Land Army. Upon sailing, Miss Brown said, “I wish to work for the Armenian people for I hope, at some future time, in a small way to be in a position to help further international relations and a stronger friendship between all nations.”

“A Close-up of Some Overseas Workers,” The New Near East magazine, Sept. 1923.