Clark D. Martin

First Name Clark D.

Last Name Martin

Location Born Pine Grove, PA

Source int(26)

Died While Serving? no


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  • "A Close-up of Some Overseas Workers," The New Near East magazine, Sept. 1923
  • The Story of Near East Relief - Barton - 1930

Mr. Martin, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and special student of Columbia University, served with the American Army in France and later was connected with the Red Cross in France and Roumania. From August, 1920 to December, 1922 he was with Near East Relief in the Caucasus, since which time he has been in the United States making a study of market conditions for Near East products in this country, to facilitate the organization’s purpose in creating a demand here for orphanage-made products that will help to make the orphan children of the Near East self-supporting. Mr. Martin has returned to Alexandropol to supervise the output of the orphanage workshops.

“A Close-up of Some Overseas Workers,” The New Near East magazine, Sept. 1923.