Aurora In A Poster

A poster represents Aurora Mardiganian to raise 30 million dollars to support other Armenians in the Middle East.

Jackie Coogan with Miss Jessie Way

In 1923, Jackie Coogan produced a real circus for local children on the film set of Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with the Circus. The April 1923 issue of the New Near East magazine praised relief worker Miss Jessie Way, newly returned from Smyrna and Constantinople, as Jackie’s “chief and most willing assistant.” The circus was attended by 7,500 people who contributed $3,500 in clothing and condensed milk.

Still from “Ravished Armenia”

The book was made into a full-length Hollywood film in 1919. Incredibly, Aurora Mardiganian played herself. She relived the traumatic events of her young life alongside prominent Hollywood actors. Aurora sustained physical and emotional injury during filming. Aurora is second from the right in this still from Ravished Armenia.

New Near East, April 1924: Jackie Coogan

Jackie Coogan found fame playing a lovable urchin in Charlie Chaplin’s 1921 film The Kid. In 1924 Near East Relief enlisted nine-year-old Jackie to launch a groundbreaking million-dollar Children’s Crusade.

Film Star Charles Ray on Bundle Day

“The popular film star Charles Ray delivers his bundle of discarded clothing to be sent to the destitute of the Near East.” Charles Ray was one of many silent film stars to take an interest in Near East Relief’s work.

Jackie Coogan Campaign Advertisement

An advertisement for Jackie Coogan campaign sponsored by Borden’s Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. Borden donated many cases of condensed milk to Near East Relief.